Take World War II Vets to Washington DC

World War II vets are now in their 80s and beyond but many of them still haven’t had the chance to see their national monument in Washington, DC. The Honor Flights organization works to remedy that situation, and AARC members are often on board these special flights to help ensure these aging vets have the medical care they need on the plane and throughout the day-long excursion around our nation’s capital. John Hiser has been on multiple flights and says they’ve all been experiences he wouldn’t trade for the world. “Every time we got off the plane or arrived at a memorial there were large groups of people, often times assembled on the spur of the moment, who greeted the vets with their applause and thanks,” recalls the RT educator. Long-time member Tudy Giordano, pictured in red on the right even serves as the local president of the Honor Flight organization. Linda Smith, in red at left, has also accompanied a number of the trips and her company has even gotten into the act by lending wheelchairs for use in the program.